Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Information Science / Faculty of Management and Economics / Tarbiat Modares University / Tehran / Iran

2 Department of Information Science and Knowledge / Faculty of Management and Economics / Tarbiat Modares University / Tehran / Iran


Objective: This study has developed a model of appropriate relationship between knowledge management system with three components of project management, technology management and research and development management in the National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company. The statistical population of this research consists of managers and experts of the National Iranian Oil Products Refining and Distribution Company. To measure the research variables, the standard questionnaire of Fong and Chi knowledge management, which includes the sections of knowledge management dimensions, the project management questionnaire of Enrico et al., Mahmoudi Technology Management Questionnaire and Moghimi Research and Development Management Questionnaire were used. Oil Organization participated in completing the research questionnaire. The reliability and validity of the questionnaires were also evaluated in this study. Cronbach's alpha was used to determine its reliability, its value was estimated to be 0.752.
Results: Data analysis at two levels, descriptive statistics using spss16 software and used for confirmatory factor analysis, good knowledge management fit, technology management, project management and research and development management as well as validity and reliability, PLS software Took.
Conclusion: The results of testing the hypotheses indicate the confirmation of research hypotheses and the existence of a positive and significant effect of knowledge management on technology management, project management and research and development management.
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Technology Management, Project Management, Research and Development Management, National Iranian Petroleum Refining and Distribution Company.
