Document Type : Research Paper


1 o . e . r . p

2 Associate professor, information sciences department

3 Islamic Azad University-Tehran North Branch.Tehran. Iran


Thesauruses are tools for representing semantic information and provide concepts, terms and relationships between them. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of creating a list of the main words of Persian textbooks for the six grades of elementary school. The current research is a combination of content analysis and synonym analysis approach in the design of thesaurus in terms of practical purpose and method. The statistical population of this research includes 10 experts in this field based on targeted sampling; and also 6 Persian books are elementary level, 240 experts from the Educational Research and Planning Organization of the Ministry of Education were also asked about the determination of tags and terms in textbooks with a statistical sample of 148 people based on Morgan's table. By extracting the main concepts, determining the hierarchies and relationships between words by extracting them from elementary course textbooks, and standardization was done with the help of Raver matrix software. As a result of this research, 631 main words of textbooks were extracted from the most frequently used words by users and also by experts. The use of this method is effective in completing the process of compiling elementary school textbooks and making it systematic for students and teachers to access resources and also to facilitate the storage and retrieval of information for general users.


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