Indexing of the Journal of Knowledge Retrieval and Semantic Systems in the DOAJ International Database (DOAJ)
The Journal of Knowledge Retrieval and Semantic Systems of Allameh Tabatabai University was indexed in DOAJ International Database. The DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) database is a directory of open access journals, and access to the information of the journals indexed in it is free and unrestricted in full text. This database covers almost all research topics.
One of the benefits of indexing publications in this citation database is the increase in readers of articles, the accessibility ...
Change the Title of the Publication
This publication has been renamed from the 25th issue (Winter of 1399) from the title of "Quarterly Journal of Knowledge Studies" as "Knowledge Retrieval and Semantic Systems".
Indexing the publication in the Islamic World Science Citation Center
The Journal of Studies (Knowledge Retrieval and Semantic Systems Current ) under the supervision of the Department of the Knowledge and Information Science of Allameh Tabatabai University succeeded in obtaining the necessary points to be indexed in the list of main publications in the Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC).
Create a journal page in Google Scholar
The journal's personal page was created in Google Scholar (a free search engine for scientific and research sources and articles).