Document Type : Research Paper
Department of Economics, Naragh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Naragh, Iran
Organizational political decisions are behaviors that are not foreseen in the individual's job description, and a person tries to influence and influence others by relying on them. Therefore, the aim of the current research was to investigate organizational political decisions and innovation in interaction with knowledge Hiding. In this regard, 184 faculty members and professors of the Islamic Azad University, Naraq Branch,as total population sampling, were selected as a sample. The data were collected using five-item Likert questionnaires of 12-item organizational political decisions by Kacmar and Ferris (1991), three-item knowledge concealment by Serenko and Bontis (2016), 13-item creativity and innovation of people, Zhou and George (2001), and 5-item professional commitment by Chang and Choi (2007), Collection and hypotheses were analyzed using structural equation method and Sobel test and using Amos software. . The results showed: Organizational political decisions can have a direct effect on creativity and innovation of people, as well as an indirect effect through knowledge hiding. In addition, it was found that the positive relationship between organizational political decisions and knowledge hiding is moderated by professional commitment in such a way that people with a high level of professional commitment are more inclined to be less involved in achieving their career goals even in a political work environment, Decisions to knowledge hiding. Therefore, it is recommended that managers of organizations where creativity and innovation are important encourage a less political environment and encourage knowledge sharing and increase their professional commitment.
- Keyword : “Organizational Politics Decisions”
- ” Knowledge Hiding ”
- “ Innovation “
- “ Islamic Azad University
- Naraq branch “
Main Subjects