Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student, in Business Administration, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran


Today, the insurance industry plays a significant role in the prosperity of the economy, so paying attention to the creation of knowledge can play a significant role in increasing the penetration rate of insurance. Therefore, the main question of the current research is how to design and explain the model of the elements of customer knowledge co-creation in the insurance industry? In order to answer this question, the present research aims to identify the elements of the customer knowledge co-creation model in the insurance industry in the first stage, and in the next stage to test the relationship model of the elements of customer knowledge co-creation in the insurance industry, and based on the results of Data analysis will provide solutions to the managers of this industry in order to make decisions and policies related to knowledge creation and as a result promote and improve insurance products and services and increase the penetration rate of insurance in the society.

Literature Review
 Knowledge Co-Creation
Knowledge Co-Creation has been described as an act of collective creativity, with applications ranging from product and service design to more abstract spheres of value creation taking place between two or more individuals who may or may not belong to the same actor group (Amann & Rubinelli, 2017). “Customer knowledge Co-creation is defined as the collective ability of group members to analyze, interpret, reconfigure customer-related knowledge, and it means that knowledge is co-created by group members” (Menguc et al., 2013). In the following, we discuss some of the researches conducted in the field of customer knowledge co-creation.
Itani et al. (2022) conducted a study with the aim of investigating the effects of using social media and customer relationship management technology on the customer knowledge co-creation and sales performance in B2B companies. Based on the theories of task-technology fit and self-determination, the findings show that social media, customer relationship management technology, and their interaction, support salespeople in joint value-creation efforts through the mediating role of knowledge enriched by these tools. The results indicated a significant moderating effect of the salesperson's job independence and the ease of the sales quota in increasing the relationship between knowledge and value co-creation.
Xie et al. (2020), in a study titled "Using Customer Knowledge for Service Innovation in Travel Agency Industry", investigated the influencing factors and the effects of service team access and the combination of customer knowledge on tourist service companies. The results showed that both factors of customer orientation and intensity of interaction are effective on customer knowledge co-creation teams, which can promote service innovation. Also, the results indicated that customer knowledge co-creation moderates the relationship between interaction intensity and service innovation.

The current research was done in two stages using a mixed method. In this research, in order to identify the components of the customer knowledge co-creation model, first the qualitative approach of grounded theory was used. For this purpose, semi-structured interviews were conducted with a selection of insurance industry experts, including a number of university professors and insurance company managers, as a result of which the components of the research and their dimensions were identified. Then, in order to present the relationship model of the main components of the research, the opinions of experts were evaluated through the matrix of pairwise comparisons, and based on this, the conceptual model of the research was explained. Then, in order to test the research model and hypotheses, the partial least squares quantitative method was used. The statistical population in the quantitative stage consists of managers and experts of three active insurance companies in Iran, including Alborz, Iran, and Asia. The statistical sample was obtained from the random cluster sampling method, based on which 310 people were selected as a statistical sample. The data collection tool in the quantitative stage is a researcher-made questionnaire. Cronbach's alpha method was used to check the reliability of the measurement tool, and its value was greater than 0.7 for all variables. Therefore, all variables were confirmed in terms of reliability.

In the first stage of the current research, the qualitative method of grounded theory was used to identify the components and dimensions of customer knowledge co-creation. As a result of this stage, 7 main aspects were identified for customer knowledge co-creation. After identifying the research components and developing the model, 9 hypotheses were formulated in the quantitative stage. Based on the findings of data analysis using the partial least squares method, all 9 research hypotheses were confirmed. The results showed that the infrastructure of information and communication technology has an effect on being knowledge-oriented. Also, being knowledge-oriented has an impact on internal marketing and customer relationship management. In addition, the effect of internal marketing and customer relationship management on customer orientation was confirmed. Also, the effect of customer orientation on creating motivation and trust building was confirmed, and finally, the effect of creating motivation and trust building on customer knowledge co-creation was confirmed.

Customer knowledge co-creation is a process by which organizations acquire competencies and knowledge of customers, so that they can use this information to create an experience for customers and reach new markets for themselves.

According to the confirmation of all 9 research hypotheses and with emphasis on the structures (sub-indices) that have the highest factor load obtained from the partial least squares method, the following practical suggestions are presented:
In order to develop the component of “information and communication technology infrastructures” in insurance companies, considering the importance of "the company's presence in social media and producing up-to-date content", it is suggested that managers of insurance companies use experts who have enough expertise in the field of content production to manage social media pages. Also, through social pages, they can establish a two-way relationship with customers, especially special customers, and encourage them to share their insurance knowledge and experiences.
In line with the development of “internal marketing”, the managers of insurance companies should continuously strive to hold brainstorming sessions with the employees in order to update their knowledge and skills. In these meetings, in addition to presenting technical matters such as informing about possible changes in insurance policies, new insurance laws, etc., experts in fields such as marketing, psychology, and negotiation can also be invited so that the employees and the sales network, in addition to mastering the technical skills, also master the communication skills of the day.
In order to ensure customer satisfaction and as a result of complying with customer-oriented principles, insurance companies must first observe and understand the needs of their customers. For this purpose, they should listen to the expectations and criticisms of the customers, and by establishing a friendly relationship with them, in addition to getting to know the customers more and knowing their level of satisfaction, they should have a positive effect on their perception.
In order to increase the “trust of customers”, insurance companies should adopt strategies that lead to improving the mental image of customers towards the company's brand. Since the main mission of insurance companies is to issue perfect insurance policies as well as timely and adequate payment of damages, if this is done correctly, it can play an effective role in attracting customers’ trust.
Finally, in order to develop the customers' knowledge co-creation, insurance companies should use the experiences and knowledge gained from customers to produce and create new knowledge and improve and develop the organization's products and services.


Main Subjects

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