Document Type : Research Paper


1 Doctoral Student of Knowledge and Information Science, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Babol Branch,, Islamic Azad University of Babol, Babol, Iran

3 َAssociate, Department of Information Knowledge and Science, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran


1. Introduction
The importance of this research will be to add more color to the inherent characteristics of the field of information science and epistemology in terms of storing and retrieving information and meeting the information needs of the clients by producing an archive ontology and the role and impact of the information profession in meeting the information needs of the clients.

2. Literatur Review
Since librarians play an intermediary role in the exchange of knowledge. In the new era, their challenges and the scope of their responsibilities have increased significantly so that they are able to be important helpers to control the expanding world of information.
What constitutes the main problem of information science today is the methods of accessing information. If previously the concern of information science specialists was to regularly collect resources and provide bibliographies, now most efforts are focused on providing more information about resources and delivering them to the end user. For these reasons, it can be said that today the traditional structures of libraries have collapsed and the new order has replaced it. In the past, the traditional role of reference department employees of libraries and information centers was to provide bibliographic information to the referents, that is, to provide information about the information, but today their duty is to guide the referents to the same information. Another important thing that happened in the process of the information revolution is the sharing of resources, the creation of information networks using new information technologies made not only the information centers of a country but all the information centers of the world share in each other's resources. (Mahdavi, 1998)
Libraries play an intermediary role in the exchange of knowledge, the emergence of the Internet created the impression that libraries will go away, but the passage of time has shown that this impression only stems from a lack of proper understanding of the position and function of the library (Middleton, 2012)

3. Methodology
This research is applied in terms of purpose and sequential combination (qualitative-quantitative) in terms of type. In this way, first by using the library method based on the study of literature and backgrounds related to the subject, the components and characteristics of the dictionary were extracted, then by using the qualitative method (Delphi study) based on the opinions of experts in information science and an in-depth interview was conducted in three stages, the components were extracted by the content analysis method and the lexical circle was determined. After the analysis of quantitative data, the necessity of creating an ontology for radio and television archives became clearer, and in the following, the proposed ontology model of radio and television archives was presented.
In this research, the studied community of archivists of radio and television archives in Tehran, whose number was 120, has been investigated through a census through a digital questionnaire. Also, in order to present the proposed ontology model, the words related to the topics and production programs in the broadcasting organization were collected and a preliminary ontology was prepared for the broadcasting archive as a sample using Protege software. The proposed ontology resulting from the transformation of concepts in the field of radio and television programs, which is available in its archives, was carried out in four stages: collecting concepts, discovering and determining the relationships between concepts, creating a worksheet for each concept and implementing the ontology in the project environment. This proposed model can be useful for producing the ontology of radio and television archives.

​​​4. Results
After three rounds of interviews with experts in the field of archives (10 experts in the field of archives and managers of radio and television archives in Tehran) and analysis of the opinions of the participants in the Delphi study panel, it was determined that 15 components were used to measure vocabulary. From these main components, a number of quantitative questions were developed by the researcher. 85 questions were asked from the statistical population. The following results are the results of the analysis of the research questionnaire for the section related to the vocabulary of radio and television archivists:
Descriptive statistics indices such as: frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation have been used to examine and analyze the respondents' information. Research hypotheses are also used. The structural equation modeling technique has been tested. In order to get a better understanding of the research community and get more familiar with the research variables, before analyzing the statistical data, it is necessary to describe these data. Therefore, before testing the research hypotheses, the descriptive statistics of the variables used in the research were examined. The average, as one of the central parameters, represents the center of gravity of the society, and in other words, it shows that if the average is placed instead of all the observations of the society, there will be no change in the sum total of the society's data. Also, the maximum shows the highest variable number in the statistical population and the minimum shows the lowest variable number in the statistical population.

5. Discussion and Conclusion
Broadcasting archives play a role in program production as the beating heart of programming, since these centers are considered as a center for storing the produced resources, less attention has been paid to their role and influence in the program production process. Radio archivists, since they are educated in information science and science, and professionally, can play an effective role in retrieving information and providing optimal information for producing programs and helping to improve the programming process. Archive ontology and training related to information retrieval and the use of information retrieval tools can play a more colorful role in professional activity. The strength of the relationship between the rich vocabulary and the quality of the information provided by radio archivists has been calculated as 0.74, which shows that there is a favorable correlation between vocabulary and ontology in information delivery. The t-statistic of the test is also 2.14, which is greater than the critical value of t at the 5% error level, i.e. 1.96, and it shows that the observed correlation is significant. Therefore, the hypothesis of the research is confirmed and it can be said that there is a direct relationship between the rich vocabulary and the quality of information provided by radio archivists and the ontology of the archive.
Enhancing their vocabulary, which is one of the main components of the field of information science and epistemology, can help in achieving the goal of providing quality information and retrieving resources in archives and using them in programming. The results of the present research also confirm the opinion that an archivist with a rich vocabulary using archive ontology can be useful in retrieving information and providing information optimally. The proposed ontology resulting from the transformation of concepts in the field of radio and television programs, which is available in its archives, was carried out in four stages: collecting concepts, discovering and determining the relationships between concepts, creating a worksheet for each concept and implementing the ontology in the project environment. This proposed model can be useful for the production of the ontology of radio and television archives.


Main Subjects

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