Document Type : Research Paper


1 Payam Noor University - Qom Branch. Qom. Iran

2 Assistant professor and Member of the Academic Staff of the Department of Accounting Science Payame Noor UniversityTehran, Iran


Purpose: The purpose of the present study is to investigate the mediating role of innovation in the relationship between organizational wisdom and knowledge management in public libraries in Qom province. Method: The present applied research was conducted with a descriptive and correlational method. In the current research, the data was collected through three standard questionnaires (Lawson's knowledge management questionnaire, Albrecht's organizational wisdom and Jazni's job innovation). The statistical population included 112 librarians of public libraries in Qom province, 86 of whom were selected as samples by simple random sampling. The reliability of the research tool was determined using Cronbach's alpha test. Findings/Results: The results showed that the score of the study participants in the three variables of knowledge management, organizational wisdom and innovation is significantly different and higher than the average. The results indicate that organizational wisdom and innovation were significant predictors of knowledge management separately. The results showed that there is a significant positive correlation between organizational wisdom and innovation. The results indicated that organizational wisdom is a significant predictor of knowledge management and innovation, while innovation did not play a mediating role in the relationship between organizational wisdom and knowledge management. Other findings showed that gender, degree and field of study had no effect on the average scores of knowledge management, organizational wisdom and innovation.


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