Document Type : Review Paper
- Elaheh Hassanzadeh Dizaji 1
- Esmat Momeni 2
- Samaneh Nouzar 3
- Maryam Pakdaman Naeini 4
- Nastaran Poursalehi 5
- Zeinab Biranvand 3
- Fatemeh Zarinkamar 6
1 National library of Iran
2 Allameh Tabataba'i University.Tehran. Iran
3 National Library and Archives of Iran
4 Alzahra University
5 دکترای علم اطلاعات و دانش شناسی از دانشگاه تهران
6 Tehran Universiry
Objective: The process of development tools in libraries and information centers can inform the selection of appropriate and visionary solutions. Libraries, as organizations that serve people, have consistently adapted their resources, facilities, and services to align with the evolving information needs of their patrons. Therefore, the current research aim is study the development and evolution of library’s softwares.
Methodology: This article employs a historical approach to the method of narrative review and review of the best evidence. It attempts to illustrate the trajectory of domestic and foreign research from the 1950s to the present, describe and explain suitable examples of library software, and identify future directions. From the initial indications of automation in libraries, to the emergence of bibliographic data software, integrated systems, web-based and interactive software, and now at the threshold of transforming library software into a communication platform between different stakeholders, this research has introduced and reviewed the features of new generation software, including WMS, Alma, Follio, Bluecloud, Sierra, Open Skys, Follet.
Conclusion: A review of the historical development of a phenomenon can provide insights that inform future directions and strategies. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that the major library software companies in Iran assess the capabilities of their software in comparison to the capabilities of the included popular software. New generation library service will be based on technology of platform and also, adaptability, complexity and testable, visibility, comparative advantage.
Main Subjects