Document Type : Research Paper
1 Associate Professor, Department of Information Science and Epistemology. Payam Noor University, Iran.
2 PHD student, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Payame Noor University, Iran
3 Assistant Professor, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Payame Noor University, Iran
Purpose: Considering that citation is one of the important criteria in measuring the relevance and impact of research publications, the current study examines the possibility of predicting the number of citations received by semantic web products through Citescore indicators. SNIP and SJR are publications in this field.
Methodology: The present study is of a fundamental type that has been done in a descriptive manner with a scientometrics approach. The statistical population of this research includes 42,270 documents produced in the field of semantics that have been published by journals indexed in the Scopus database between 1960-2021. After the initial review, 10 titles of the seminary and semantic production journals that have published 15182 titles of scientific productions in this field were selected as a statistical sample. In order to investigate the relationships between research variables, the Pearson correlation coefficient test and multiple linear regression were used with the help of Excel and SPSS software.
Results: According to (r = 0.860; p = 0.812) there is no correlation between the number of citations and the SNIP index. Also, there is no significant relationship between the number of citations with SJR (r = 0.580; p = 0.874) and the number of citations with Citescore (r = 0.480; p = 0.896). The results of multiple regression showed that none of the three indicators of cite score, SNIP, and SJR can predict the number of citations received in the Scopus database.
Conclusion: There is no significant relationship between the indicators of cite score, SNIP,
Main Subjects