Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran

2 Master in Business Management, Institute of Allameh Majlesi, Qazvin, Iran


Overall, this study conceptually and empirically contributes to the literature to show that top management's brand-oriented leadership indirectly affects employees' brand commitment through three very important mediators. The results of this research also add to a more comprehensive understanding of brand-oriented leadership, because it is related to the brand commitment of employees in the field of banking. By benefiting from the experiences and expertise and valuable scientific and practical knowledge of economic experts, and monetary and banking operators of the country, Bank Sarmayeh is trying to improve banking policies and the position of the banking system of Capital Bank among other banks. In this regard, this research seeks to answer the question of whether the brand-oriented leadership of senior managers has a significant effect on brand commitment among employees in the presence of mediating variables of employees' knowledge of the brand, psychological contract and fit between the brand and the employees of the Capital Bank of Karaj?
Research Questions

What is the effect of managers' brand-oriented leadership on employees' brand commitment by mediating employees' brand knowledge?
What is the effect of managers' brand-oriented leadership on employees' brand commitment through the mediation of a perceived psychological contract?
Question 3: How does the brand-oriented leadership of managers mediate the perceived fit between the brand and employees on employees' brand commitment? 

Literature Review
In a research, Li (2022) investigated the perception of justice and brand equity of employees in the service sector by providing evidence from the education industry. The results of the path analysis show that justice perception promotes brand approval and brand loyalty, while the relationship between justice perception and brand-friendly behavior is not statistically significant. In addition, it has also been found that justice perceptions give employees confidence that their psychological contract has been fulfilled. In addition, psychological contract implementation has been found to be a mediating mechanism between justice perceptions and three dimensions of employee-based brand equity. Akrout & Nagy (2018) conducted a research entitled "Virtual community brand trust and commitment: the mediating role of brand equity". The results obtained from the research show that trust in the brand has a positive and significant effect through the mediation of the special value of the brand. Terglav et al. (2016) conducted a research titled "Internal Branding Process: Exploring the Moderating Role between Top Management Leadership and Commitment Communication". The results obtained from the research show that the leadership of senior management in internal branding and its role in achieving the emotional attachment of employees to the brand helps. It also suggests that leadership leads to increased commitment and leaders should force employees to have brand-related knowledge, and understand brand values and psychological contracts.


The current research is individual in terms of the number of researchers, the type of applied goal, and the descriptive-survey research approach. Also, in terms of cross-sectional time and data collection method, it is field-library.


In the study of the first hypothesis, it was found that the path coefficient (0.807) was estimated and the value of the T statistic was equal to 19.330 which is more than the critical value of 1.96. In the examination of the second hypothesis, it was found that the path coefficient (0.717) was estimated according to the value of the T statistic which was equal to 11.654, which is more than the critical value of 1.96; In examining the third hypothesis, it was found that the path coefficient (0.615) was estimated and the value of T statistic was equal to 4.976, which is more than the critical value of 1.96. In the investigation of the fourth hypothesis, it was found that the path coefficient (0.193) was estimated and the value of the T statistic was equal to 1.980, which is more than the critical value of 1.96; In examining the sixth hypothesis, it was found that the path coefficient (0.497) was estimated and the value of the T statistic was equal to 2.934, which is more than the critical value of 1.96. In the examination of the seventh hypothesis, it was found that the coefficient of significance between the brand-oriented leadership variables of senior managers and commitment to the brand due to employees' knowledge of the brand is greater than (1.96) and indicates the significance of the mediating effect of employees' knowledge of the brand in the impact brand leadership is based on the commitment of senior managers to the brand. In the examination of the eighth hypothesis, it was found that the coefficient of significance between the variables of brand-oriented leadership of senior managers and commitment to the brand due to the fit between employees and the brand is greater than (1.96) and indicates the significance of the mediating effect of fit between employees and the brand in the effect of brand-oriented leadership of senior managers on the commitment to the brand; Therefore, the first, fourth, sixth, seventh, and ninth hypotheses are confirmed. In examining the fifth hypothesis, it was found that the path coefficient (0.264) was estimated and the value of the T statistic was equal to 1.520, which is less than the critical value of 1.96. In examining the eighth hypothesis, it was found that the coefficient of significance between the variables of brand-oriented leadership of senior managers and commitment to the brand through psychological contract is less than (1.96) and indicates that the mediating effect of psychological contract in the effect of brand-oriented leadership is not significant. Senior managers are committed to the brand. Therefore, the fifth and eighth hypotheses are not confirmed.


The conclusion of the data analysis showed that brand-oriented leadership of senior managers has a positive and significant effect on brand commitment due to employees' knowledge of the brand. Brand-oriented leadership of senior managers has a positive and significant effect on brand commitment through the psychological contract. Brand-oriented leadership of senior managers has a positive and significant effect on brand commitment due to the fit between employees and the brand.


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