Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student in Knowledge and Information Science; Science and Research Branch; Islamic Azad University; Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of knowledge and Information Science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Professor, Department of knowledge and Information Science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


in the modern economy, knowledge is considered as a power and it provides competitive advantage to organizations. This competitive advantage is realized through the full utilization of information and data coupled with the harnessing of people’s skills and ideas as well as their commitments and motivations (Victor & Kathaluwage, 2019; Sekerin et al, 2018). Within the framework of the knowledge economy and the new challenges raised by knowledge in organizations, it is easy to understand the emergence of knowledge management as a new managerial field of activity dealing with knowledge resources, knowledge workers, and knowledge processes. (Bratianu et al, 2021). The ability of an organization to use and leverage the knowledge is heavily dependent on its Human Resources, which are effectively who create, share and use knowledge. The use of knowledge is only possible when individuals can share their knowledge and can generate new, from the knowledge of others. Human Resource Management (HRM) plays a key role in helping achieve the desired organizational results through its possible bearing on employee behaviour and skills. (Antunes & Pinheiro, 2020). without proper training, it is not possible to successfully produce knowledge and share activities and processes (Wai et al, 2012). The main goal of most training programs is to provide knowledge to employees to transfer to the workplace. Knowledge transfer is the main indicator of an effective training program and includes implementation methods, sharing knowledge or relevant practice and improving business performance (Shafloot, 2012). With the evolution of the role of organizational training towards focusing on learning and acquiring, producing and sharing knowledge and the necessity of doing knowledge work by employees and providing ideas from employees to improve services and production (Shokrzadeh et al., 2013). Investing in education should match the knowledge needs of organizations. The vision of knowledge-based training should be clearly understood by all employees and guided by the organization. This requires the organization to have a knowledge-based vision (Psarras, 2007). To improve employee performance, knowledge management strategies should be increased and organizations should adopt different policies to increase their learning ability (HO, 2018). Therefore, if knowledge management and training work closer together, in many organizations, much more success can be achieved (Carlile, 2002). Since the National Bank of Iran, as one of the largest and strongest financial institutions with a long history, tries to achieve its goals more effectively by constantly upgrading and improving its performance, every year the training courses At the same time, it organizes many services for its employees and looks at its human capital as a source to gain a competitive advantage. Therefore, one of the issues faced by managers in these trainings is the effectiveness of training courses. According to the explanations that were presented and emphasizing the importance of knowledge management in employee training to create learning, which is the goal of effective training, therefore this study was conducted with the aim of identifying indicators of human resources training in the National Bank of Iran with knowledge management approach, so from the perspective of the objective, it is a practical study.

Literature Review
Backgrounds show that in most of these researches, they have investigated the relationship between training and knowledge management and the role and impact of these two categories on each other, or only to identify the characteristics and components of employee training, and so far no research has been done which specifically identifies the indicators of human resources training with the knowledge management approach, especially in National Bank of Iran. Due to the importance of determining the indicators in the design of the desired educational model of employees with the approach of knowledge management, this research has been carried out. It is clear that the selection of suitable criteria or indicators can affect the effectiveness of this model. Therefore, the subject of the research is new from this point of view and it is also used in other financial institutions.

The research method was a mixed exploratory type with a qualitative approach and meta-composite and Delphi methods. In the first stage, the meta-combination method according to the seven-step method of Sandelowski and Barroso (2006) was used, and a total of 156 sources related to the research topic were found, and finally 71 studies were analyzed. After identifying the categories by metacombination method, the fuzzy Delphi method was used to identify the final indicators. The Delphi analysis in this research is based on the opinion of 20 experts, including theoretical experts (university professors) and experimental experts (managers of the National Bank of Iran) who had experience in the field of study and were selected using non-probability methods and purposefully. The questionnaire that contained the components obtained from the meta-composition stage was given to Delphi experts in two stages, all the indicators obtained in the two stages were agreed and approved by the experts.

 In this research, by examining and categorizing and localization the descriptive codes obtained from the texts, 42 sub-categories were identified and according to their semantic similarity and affinity, they were divided into 9 main categories including: human resource scientific capability, human resource behavioral competence, Policy and legislation, social factors, educational leadership, knowledge management approach, evaluation and control of educational quality, learning culture and training of human resources and three individual, environmental and organizational dimensions were classified.

Conclusion & Discussion
The results of this study emphasize the role of the knowledge management approach in improving the performance of education and its effectiveness, and are in agreement with the findings of the researches of Amirhosseini and Bashiri (2019), Alosaimi (2016), Sembera (2017), Baslom & Tong (2019) and Kassaneh. et al. (2021) is consistent.
Considering the increasing importance of knowledge as the most important asset of the organization, maintaining knowledge workers and developing their learning capacity as much as possible has become one of the most important tasks of human resources management. Coaching skills, creativity and innovation, documentation of processes and procedures, interpersonal communication, leadership skills, performance management, problem solving skills, empowerment skills, team building and working group skills. These are among the things that should be considered in the training of these employees (Monavarian, 2019) and these indicators are mentioned in this research. According to the opinions of Renukappa et al. (2021), ideally, the main goal of organizational training is to increase tacit knowledge, which is the experiential knowledge of employees. The tacitness of knowledge is a natural obstacle for the successful sharing of knowledge between people. Organizations should be able to acquire the tacit knowledge of their employees and deal with this effectively. The management should fully participate and involve the employees in the activities of the organization. In this regard, in the researches of Ramzanzadeh et al. (2019) and Ishak & Mansor (2020), the importance of knowledge management in lifelong learning has been emphasized and it has been pointed out that knowledge management supports the creation and development of individual potentials. And it gives them the ability to be creative and innovative.
Paying attention to the identified indicators and the findings show that the integrated vision of knowledge management makes education really effective. In order to train human resources in the National Bank with a knowledge management approach, it is necessary that the beliefs, attitudes and behaviors in the bank are oriented towards the production, sharing and application of knowledge. in the training of employees with the knowledge management approach, learning becomes the main part of every job, and at the same time, employees learn from each other and teach others, and the knowledge needs of employees and the organization can be successfully provided. Individual and organizational learning creates new abilities and capabilities in employees, and these abilities become products, goods and services, and the bank's profitability is guaranteed.


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