Document Type : Research Paper


knowledge and information science, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran.



Introduction: The aim of this research is to examine the effects of organizational commitment and trust on knowledge sharing and knowledge application among employees of public library institutions in Iran.

Methodology: The present research method is descriptive and survey-based and serves its purpose. The statistical population of this study includes managers, administrative staff and district managers of the country's public libraries. The research sample consists of 218 individuals selected through cluster sampling. The data collection tools for this research are as follows: For knowledge sharing, the questionnaire of Chai et al. (2007); for engagement, the questionnaire from Ouakouak & Ouedraogo (2019); for trust, the Yatg and Peng (2009) questionnaire; and the questionnaire from Ouakouak & Ouedraogo (2019) for knowledge application. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to check the normality of the data and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to assess reliability using SPSS26 software. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistical indicators such as frequency distribution and inferential statistics, as well as structural equation modeling with Smart PLS.

Results: The results showed that professional trust and affective commitment have a positive and significant influence on the knowledge sharing variable, whereas continuous commitment and personal trust have no influence on knowledge sharing. The knowledge exchange variable has a positive and significant influence on knowledge application.

Conclusion: The results showed that knowledge sharing acts as a mediating variable in the relationship between affective commitment and knowledge application; and between professional trust and knowledge application.


Main Subjects