• Allameh Tabataba’i University Mapping the Scientific Outputs of Allameh Tabataba’i University from 1974 to 2024 [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2024]

  • Altmetric Analysis of research outputs in the field of psychology and their presence in scientific social media [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2024]

  • Altmetric Explorer Analysis of research outputs in the field of psychology and their presence in scientific social media [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2024]


  • Citescore Investigating the impact of Citescore, SNIP, and SJR indicators of semantic web publications on the number of received citations of articles. [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2024]

  • Cloud Computing Investigate the views of administrators and librarians of Allameh Tabataba'i University libraries on digital preservation in the cloud environment [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2024]

  • CyberneticsModel" Status of the cybernetic model components in the libraries of Iran's Type 1 Medical Sciences Universities [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2024]


  • Digital Collection Analysis of Resource Storage Formats in Digital Collections (Case Study: National Libraries) [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2024]

  • Digital Library Analysis of Resource Storage Formats in Digital Collections (Case Study: National Libraries) [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2024]

  • Digital Preservation Investigate the views of administrators and librarians of Allameh Tabataba'i University libraries on digital preservation in the cloud environment [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2024]

  • Digital Preservation Analysis of Resource Storage Formats in Digital Collections (Case Study: National Libraries) [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2024]


  • Information Format Analysis of Resource Storage Formats in Digital Collections (Case Study: National Libraries) [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2024]

  • Innovation Investigating micro-organization and progress of knowledge management with the driving role of innovation in public libraries of Qom province [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2024]


  • Knowledge Management Investigating micro-organization and progress of knowledge management with the driving role of innovation in public libraries of Qom province [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2024]

  • Knowledge Maps Mapping the Scientific Outputs of Allameh Tabataba’i University from 1974 to 2024 [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2024]


  • Libraries standards Analysis of Resource Storage Formats in Digital Collections (Case Study: National Libraries) [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2024]


  • Organizational Wisdom Investigating micro-organization and progress of knowledge management with the driving role of innovation in public libraries of Qom province [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2024]


  • Qom province Investigating micro-organization and progress of knowledge management with the driving role of innovation in public libraries of Qom province [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2024]


  • Scientific Outputs Mapping the Scientific Outputs of Allameh Tabataba’i University from 1974 to 2024 [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2024]

  • Scientometric Analysis of research outputs in the field of psychology and their presence in scientific social media [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2024]

  • Scientometrics studies Mapping the Scientific Outputs of Allameh Tabataba’i University from 1974 to 2024 [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2024]

  • Scopus Investigating the impact of Citescore, SNIP, and SJR indicators of semantic web publications on the number of received citations of articles. [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2024]

  • Semantic Web Investigating the impact of Citescore, SNIP, and SJR indicators of semantic web publications on the number of received citations of articles. [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2024]

  • SJR Investigating the impact of Citescore, SNIP, and SJR indicators of semantic web publications on the number of received citations of articles. [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2024]

  • SNIP Investigating the impact of Citescore, SNIP, and SJR indicators of semantic web publications on the number of received citations of articles. [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2024]
